Wednesday 6 February 2013


Read the following article and return back to this blog post to add your comments. Read the one on Millitary Developing New Weapon Using Plasma.



  1. This idea amazes me as both just a genius idea and as a weapon of mass destruction. I'm also not suprised that america is the one making this, I've always knew they would be the first ones to start shooting lasers at their enemies. So remember be nice to america or they'll bring democracy to your country in ether the form of a bomb or now a laser.
    Jesse Wilson

    1. It is a genius idea, however it seems like the Americans have an affinity for destructive technology.

  2. It seems like a really cool idea, the fact that I was shown movies like Star Trek and Star Wars as a kid, so I've always kind of wanted to see this technology developed. However I see a lot of short comings in the design and in the usage of this. If it were improperly designed it has the potential to severely harm the user. Then you have to think about the target. If the design actually works it would be an over-destructive force. So it has it's pros and cons, but regardless it's a cool, but dangerous, idea.

    -Ben McMahon

    1. you make a good point with the over-destructive force, but think about it. It's america ether you come to democracy or they bring it to you. By force.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think that it is interesting, because it is cool that we can make lasers. But I feel like it is somewhate unnecessary, and can be harmful. We don't need lasers we already have an abundance of weapons for the military.
    Sierra Bednarz

  4. Although the idea seems cool and advanced (much like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc), I think the idea is dangerous and somewhat unnecessary. To use a weapon that puts out more energy than whats needed by a large city seems a little drastic. If we're trying to limit the amount of violence being used, why make a weapon that uses this much energy to shoot lightning bolts and destroy targets? The future of weapons is developing, and even thought its a cool idea, it seems a little extreme.
    -Megan Pelissier

    1. I have to agree with having weapons that draw more energy than a large city is a little drastic and unnecessary. Very good point Megan.

  5. I think its pretty cool how they figured out a way to incorporate Plasma into the military. Although making weapons like the Star Wars, Transformers, and Star Trek weapons is a little far fetched. I also think it can be very dangerous though. The article states that the Plasma could focus on glass and not function properly, and it could also back fire which would, well, kill you. Kinda defeats the purpose.. But it would be super cool to see if its actually possible to make such a weapon or contraption, whatever you wanna call it, work and blow some stuff up!

  6. I think it's extremely unnecessary and I don't see the point in having plasma lasers... They didn't really give examples of what they would even be using them for, or needing them for. Since plasma is an unstable matter, I don't think it would be a good idea. Like Sierra said, I think the military already has enough weapons, and doesn't really need more.
    Natalea Roche

    1. yes my dp is hunger games... it was for english class last year ok

    2. alright dont get so angry!

    3. First of all I agree it is completely unnecessary and second that's funny

  7. I believe mankind will stop at no limit to create weapons to harm our fellow man. I don't think this laser induced plasma is a good idea because flat out, it is very dangerous. Dangerous towards the user of the laser even, the plasma can focus on other particles and backfire. And when the laser strikes, it is very powerful. 50 billion watts of optical power is not safe in the hands of the enemy, and even the ally. -Daniel Edinborough

  8. Matt Jonsson thinks this is a very cool idea to have it could lead to many other devices or weapons that use plasma. star wars always seemed pretty cool with all their cool gadgets and could be a whole new age of technology that could be very harmful or very helpful depends how you look at it.. -MJ

  9. I find it fascinating that the technology has evovled to the point where thing that we imagine in movies and video games can now be a reality. I'm actually quite curious as to the capacity of the weapon. It seems that it would take alot of energy to fire a shot. I imagine the weapon would also have mobility issue, so I dont see it as being a practical weapon yet. Only time will tell. However I feel America should be very cautious in the process of jumping into plasma warfare.

    Niklas Mohsen

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This idea of this new weapon is a very interesting idea. I think that this can help America's military in many ways. It would be really cool to see this weapon be created but it also makes me feel uneasy because if it isn't used properly, then there can be very severe consequences. Except, I feel like the creation of this weapon is a bit unnecessary considering how many other weapons America already has.
    Robelie Aaron

  12. I think that this is a good idea, and it doesn't surprise me that it's becoming a reality, considering how advanced our technology is now, and how many people are fascinated by the famous movies and weapons used. It will cause a lot of power though, and if put in the hands of the wrong person, it could cause mass destruction. It'd be good if used for the right purposes though.
    Rebecca Roger

  13. Although the amount of energy it takes to discharge this device would be costly, I'd imagine we wouldn't have to fire as much due to the shear amount of energy and the increased accuracy due to its tendency of favoring conductive sources.

    Miles Duce

  14. This is a great new techonological advance that will take warfare into a new form. Although it would be great for destroying things and stuff, it could be the next nuclear bomb and create another cold war. We could be using this powerfull form of energy to be powering cities if it does have the power to do so, as well using it as a war machine.

  15. I think it's cool that something from a movie is coming out in real life. But I think there's a reason that lasers have only been in movies for so long. I think it is really dangerous, especially if it isn't made the right way. It is crazy that it could have the same amount of power as a big city. There are already enough weapons out there, we don't need another. There are pros and cons to everything, but I think this one would be better left unfinished.

  16. i think that its a cool concpet but its being used for the wrong reasons. I think that it shouldnt be used as a military weapon but as a source of power for cities. if it can be used as a weapon, why not transfer that source of power to sustainable energy.

    -Ashton Fogarty

  17. I see this as an interesting concept, however it seems pointless. It would pose as a unique form of weaponry, but the United States military has a huge variety of weaponry, in all sizes, that will cause the same devastation. I don't see the point in wasting funds on this when all this is accomplishing is making a new form of weapon, that is equally as affective as others. I believe that this project was more for amusement. ~Taylor Kaye

  18. I believe that this development is ridiculous. America does NOT need anymore weapons. Especially because plasma is a unstable matter. They should be spending their money on something more important. Such as the 49 million Americans living under the poverty line.
    Kendra Smith

  19. I think it's an interesting concept, but also really unneccessary like Natalea and Sierra said. It would just end up causing even more violence, but it is pretty cool how far technology has come.

  20. I think that this idea is interesting. I also think that the U.S is spending a lot of money for something that won't even be able to work for ten years or more.
    Dylan King

  21. I think that the idea of using plasma as a weapon is a great accomplishment for science. But its a bad idea to us it as weapon, war could end up like on star wars or something and that would not be good at all. Overall its amazing they can do it but as a weapon it's not safe.

  22. I think that the thought of a light induced plasma channel would be interesting. In my opinion, the thought of a laser induced plasma weapon would be cool. Just the thought that those weapons that you would see in those sci-fi movies come to life, that would be interesting. I`m not sure how strong the weapon would be though and would it not be easy to reflect it off any mirrored surface and injure someone? I don`t know.

    -Alysha Cho

  23. I think that laser weapons are a unique idea and have every reason to work. However, I see them as unneeded.It's very interesting that a sciencific phenomenon can be used as a weapon. But it would take a lot of perfecting and I think that it would cause more harm then help. I believe that plasma lasers should stay in science-fiction movies.

    -Paige Harrington

  24. The idea of shooting lasers at people could be an intense and new way for warfare to develop. But what else could it possibly be used for other than harming others? A possible other energy source? Other than that its a pretty cool thing dudes

  25. I think it's a very interesting idea, although I think it has more cons than pros. This weapon would be very dangerous, and like rebecca said if it falls into the wrong hands it could cause mass destruction. America also shouldn't be putting their money towards this considering their billions of dollars in debt, and already have problems with weapon usage.

    1. For many Sci-Fi fans, obviously this is a fantasy come true; but, this also should obviously be left in movies/shows/comics.
      If a plasma laser were to be created, the U.S. would not only be handing out another weapon for people to abuse but, they will be handing out an extremely powerful weapon which, would cause more harm than help.
      Now knowing that making a plasma laser is possible, the U.S. should scrap the project and use their money more wisely.

      -Sara Varnes

  26. 'Merica. Always fighting for good old fashioned freedom!

  27. I think the idea is interesting and kind of cool, but people are going to take this thing way out of proportion. It's going to cause controversy and people are just gonna freak out if the military actually starts to use it during missions. We have enough weapons already anyway.

  28. This project is very intense it could hurt many people, and would cost the US millions of dollars. Plasma is already used for such good beneficial things in society like tvs, certain lighting equiptment and making it a weapon would put a nasty label on the state of plasma. With the US in so much debt and having many military problems is it worth it to add another target on their backs internationally. Plus if it is used in the wrong context it could cause tons of harms to many innocent people.

  29. this idea of plasma weaponry would be a cool idea but the whole thing is as great of an idea as the U.S. wanting Obama to build a death star.

  30. I believe that it is really interesting to see how far technology has come, but I do not agree with plasma being used in this way. I believe it has the potential as a weapon to cause more harm than nessecary, as it is an intesne weapon. As the US military continues to spend millions on researching this, it may not even work and the dangers may just out weight the bennifits. This is a very dangerous idea, and it could hurt more people than it should. Like comments have said before mine, I believe it is uneeded. Although I have little knowlegde on the weapons the US military uses, I do not think it is a good idea. I think they should just stick to making plasma TV's and neon lights out of plasma!

  31. well if this does start another cold war.. it'd make for another great hockey series...

  32. I find it interesting but a little excessive. We don't need to blow people up, we need to fix the current issues at hand without fighting.

  33. The development of this weapon seems to be a good thing in my mind. Warfare has brought huge advancements in technology before, World War 2 brought breakthroughs in medical science, communication, and many other sciences hat have made your lives better in the present. The idea of using this technology as a weapon of death is something I would be afraid of, that amount of energy in such a small space could be much more dangerous than we expect. Nuclear weapons let out massive amounts of energy when they go off, and thats just the power of splitting atoms, this is dealing with extremley high energy that rips electrons from the atoms themselves. This new technology probably become an improvement for good at some point, but why don't we develop it for the benefit of mankind instead of a weapon of mass destruction?

  34. "the device will shoot down lighting bolts down laser beams to destroy its targets"

    Do you really want this technology in the hands of the country whose citizens cant point out Canada on a map of Canada and will justify bombing of anywhere as "freedom fighting". I seriously think that although it is impressive if they can make weapons out of a technology this new, in the hands of any power hungry human(the percentage of them is about equal to the quantity of plasma in the universe) there is a good chance that this will not end well for the poor people who are anywhere near the first major city that is targeted. This is going to be absolutely terrifying if it gets into the wrong persons hands.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Personally, I don't agree with the use of plasma warfare. The idea of using plasma weapons in battle easily creates problems with U.S. International Affairs. Much like the race to create the atomic bomb, I believe that plasma weapons will become a or competition for different countries to gain military superiority. Rivals to the U.S. military will be eager to research these weapons as well and begin production if they have not done so already. When the world's major powers have been pitted against each other in an arms race chances are it will have devastating effects worldwide.

  37. I think it's a cool idea, however it seems very dangerous. I think there are better ways to use it other than in the military such as providing energy for cities.

  38. This is a really awesome and cool idea that the military of the US came up with,where they will have another strong and powerful weapons for the military, but it got me thinking that if this weapon is created, wouldn't we be in more danger? and I was thinking that if they use this to their target, and they use a mirror to reflect it back to you, then you would be harming yourself instead of them. Creating this weapon would put people in risks and it might cause the other countries to create something stronger and more powerful to protect their own countries which they're all just a waste of money.
    And I don't think this weapon is even useful other, because it is very harmful and costly where there is other places to spent their money on.

  39. I think the idea itself on the project is cool but i would rather this project as unfinished because plasma conduct good source of electricity i think this is waste if we use it for weapons instead of electronic source. i also think if plasma acts like a lazer beam and if came contact with glass lenses it will acts like a lazer which will cause problem in people's eyes and plasma have high voltage and strength to break down electrons which make me feel like it will break oxygen or some important particle in the environment. i think it will cause problem in the airport system too since it might disturb the airport lights (lazer beams for guiding). i also feel like it will cause problem in our solar system. (just just feel like it )

    PS: I also think there will be some stupid people walking with it going like STARWARRRSSSS so i think it's really dangerous. So i think this project is better unfinished

  40. In my opinion the idea of laser is very cool and captures the attention of a person. It is very difficult to put the theory of lasers in practical life for creating weapons. No matter how cool they sound or look, it does not changed the fact that these are very harmful. We already have so many weapons of mass destruction and lasers are not needed. It has more harmful effects than the good ones and is highly dangerous.It is unnecessary.

  41. I think this is a cool idea, it could lead to alot of other weapons that use plasma. Although it could be harmful and hurt many people but also helpful like an energy source or something.

  42. I did not know that we can use plasma as a weapon. In my opinion, it is interesting and kind of cool. I`m not sure how strong the weapon would be But i disagree with plasma being used as a weapon Because it can easy reflect on any mirrored surface. therefore it will injure a lot of people and it will just end up causing so many problems.

  43. Maybe this technology will make the disney star wars movie more realistic looking

  44. i think it is a good idea, to a point. in the wrong hands it can turn ugly fast and start another world war.. anything to be bigger and better than the rest, right 'merica? leave all this behind in your childhood it was nice to read about; or even play in video games, but we do not need to have the weapons in control. its a great step for technology for completely not needed.

  45. I think this idea is cool because lasers are pretty cool i guess but it's unnecessary to have in real-life. The military has enough weapons as it is sooo I don't really think they need plasma lasers because that seems pretty extreme. Plasma lasers should be left where they belong, in Star Wars and Halo.

  46. Technology has come very far and to use plasma in this way can be very harmful. It definitely can be a great success but the US military doesn't know if it will work for sure. I think it is a waste of money when we already have weapons and don't think spending millions of dollars on this idea is worth it.

  47. I think the idea itself on the project is cool but i would rather this project as unfinished because plasma conduct good source of electricity i think this is waste if we use it for weapons instead of electronic source. i also think if plasma acts like a lazer beam and if came contact with glass lenses it will acts like a lazer which will cause problem in people's eyes and plasma have high voltage and strength to break down electrons which make me feel like it will break oxygen or some important particle in the environment. i think it will cause problem in the airport system too since it might disturb the airport lights (lazer beams for guiding). i also feel like it will cause problem in our solar system. (just just feel like it )

    PS: I also think there will be some stupid people walking with it going like STARWARRRSSSS so i think it's really dangerous. So i think this project is better unfinished

  48. Nowdays, with the develop of the science we pay more attention to the US Military new weapon which is about the plamas. That is a new strong weapon but everyting has advantanges and disadvantanges.

  49. At first I thought this new plasma weapon was very cool and I was also fascinated that that this plasma device which seems to appear in Star wars and transformer etc can actually exist in the world. However on the other hand, I consider that this weapon might be very dangerous, harmful and has possibility of risking great amount of people’s lives. If this weapon falls into wrong people’s hands, it will lead to destruction and a great danger. In addition, US already possess huge amounts of weapons and invest great amounts of money for them. Therefore I don’t really see the purpose of the plasma weapon.

  50. Great. The production of another, more powerful weapon.
    These laser blasters that we see in movies seem really cool on the screen, but they're. They seem cool o the screen because its fiction, its not real.
    Bringing such powerful weapon that can kill so quickly and easily into the hands of non-fictional, real people, isn't cool. It will result in destruction.
    "We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction." -Page 379, 'Mockingjay', Suzanne Collins
    "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." -Albert Einstein
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
    These are only a few quotes, but the general idea is that one day the human race will end itself. We're so caught up with technological progress that we forget our morals, we forget what it means to be a human being.
    Instead of creating more powerful weapons, for more destructible and terrible wars, maybe these scientists can find a solution to global warming or something that is an actual issue.
    -Miriam Mazor

  51. After i read this article, i started to realized and got really surprised of the technology that the us has. it is very cool. i saw a movie star wars when i was little and i never thought of this idea. able to use the laser plasma as a weapon and not only it is extremely powerful. in here momentarily i started to get a little thought about plasma. i noticed that it could be little off i meant plasma is extremely powerful we cannot estimate. in here i thought i would be much better if they had a technique of limiting the plasma laser so it wont go harm to other that shouldn't be destroyed.
    sally jang you jeubg

  52. it seems like a really cool and amazing weapon and it proves that our technology is keep getting better and better,and changing every time. on the other hand, this weapon is not really going to make our world better instead it could create a lot of problems and could destroy lives. i think that this weapon is not very useful and its dangerous. we all knew that weapons are very huge issue nowadays especially in the united states. so,i dont think that this is a good time to make another weapon that could cause a huge problem. maybe some people think this weapon is a good idea but i think that its just another problem and a big waste of money.
    plasma can be very useful like tvs, fluorescent lamp and etc but not laser gun.

    -lien navea

  53. In my opinion I don't think the U.S. military should be using plasma for harmful weapons, when they can be using it for sustainable energy.

    -Katherine Gursky

  54. It seems cool that they're taking someone's imagination and putting it into reality. But I don't think the U.S. needs any more weapons than it has already. If they got it, then it's only a matter of time before other countries get a hold of it.

  55. Using plasma/laser weapons sounds cool and all but lets leave it in Sci-fi movies and video games and start looking at other ways to harness this power. I bet we can use plasma in more ways than just killing each other, like powering cities,new technology(non-warfare),medicines or even making our vehicles run off plasma energy! We don't need to be going to war and killing each other over this new technology, we should be helping each other with it.

    -Michael Jacques

  56. I think this is a very cool idea because when i was a kid I use to dream about laser gun, but now i cannot just dream about it i could actually see it and use it. but not like i could really use it because it still a dangerous weapon.
    (Austine Brosas)

  57. i think this technology is pretty awsome, but pointless, because there are already to many weapons in the military. there are alot of different things we can do with plasma like beter ways for sustained energy. on the other hand this weapons technology would be very useful for when we are invaded by aliens.
    -brett s

  58. I think it's pretty cool, but knowing the United States I think they would abuse the power that they will have. I also think it would put the lives of solders at less of a risk.

    - Ashley Kearney
