Monday 13 May 2013

Watch the Video attached on the issues around Lake Winnipeg's water Quality. Discuss, openly, the issues and express your opinion on the video.


  1. I think the video is well made, and I like that they don't place blame and tell us a cause that has yet to be studied and confirmed. My family owns a cottage near lake Winnipeg and it has been very disappointing to have to worry about if we would be able to go to the beach while we were at the cottage. Some years it has not even been safe to go into the water. I am confident with all of the research that is going on now that they will determine the root cause of this lake issue. I was not aware they were researching so heavily in Gimli, but it makes me even more confident in them finding a cause. It is a serious issue as it affects many beaches as well a large fishing industry and it my opinion has been going on for way to long!

  2. I think this video have alot of information about lake winnipeg. and i think it's really bad how the algae is growing really fast in lake winnipeg which damages quality of fish and overall biology of the lake. i also dislike how lake winnipeg is least study of lakes in canada because i think this is problem how some people cannot even swim like before. also i saw the news saying that some part of lake winnipeg can be dangerous to swim becuase of growing algae and vacteria. Hopefully they find the cause and fix lake winnipeg to way it was before. :D

  3. i think this video provides lots of information on what can happen and should not happen about lake winnipeg. "too much good things is too much" by Dr. Al Kristofferson, he's right too much of a good thing is too much, it can cause problems that can ruin the tourism and productivity of the lake. The algae keeps growing so fast and he said that the main problem is the waste of time. I believe that waste of time is really the main problem because every time we waste, the algae is growing and its getting harder to reduce the amount of algae. If there actions are continously and they put a lot of effort to it the algae will not grow rapidly and it will be easier to reduce. i believe that this kind of problem is one of the problems that can be easily solve if they just put much time and effort for it.

    lien navea

  4. I found this video to be more of an eye opener when it comes to the Winnipeg Lake. I had heard about the algae in the past at Lake Winnipeg, but it seems that it had gotten worse. I like how they don't try to place the blame on anyone and instead just look for a way to fix the problem like they should. It's true when they say that too much of a good thing isn't good. Creatures at the bottom of the lake are dying from the decomposing algae which is not good. And it's gross knowing that people will swim in those waters, if safe enough. With the algae blooming more quickly in bigger groups, hopefully they'll be ab;e to find a way to fix this problem and restore our Lake back to it's natural health.

  5. I remember this being a large problem when I was younger. My mom would sometimes say we couldn't go to Winnipeg beach to swim because of the algae. I find it odd how Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched lakes in the world, when for a while it seems to have been neglected attention. However, it is great that they're using more research of the lake, and looking into it more. Having this problem get worse would be a huge issue for many reasons; fish dying, fishermen not catching fish, people not swimming in the lake. Winnipegbeach would not make as much of a profit without the lake water there to attract people on hot summer days... I also like how they don't put the blame on any specific groups of people or actions. Hopefully they will be able to find a main cause of the problem to help the lake back to its original condition!

  6. Being very familiar with the Gimli area, this issue affects me in a big way. Nobody really talks about the lake dying, and nobody has really done anything to help "clean" the lake up. This video tells us straight nitrogen and phosphorus runoff are the major cause. Something, someone has to raise more awareness. Does Canada really care about it's own environment ?

  7. I found it very surprising to learn that Lake Winnipeg, being one of the largest lakes in North America, is one of the least researched lakes in the world. That should be fixed since it affects the ecosystem in major ways here in Manitoba. It is comforting to know that even though they say on the news our hydro damns are to blame for the water quality, it has not been proven. It would be extremely disappointing to discover that the main resource we get our energy from, in an attempt to save the environment, is the very thing destroying it.

  8. I found that the video offered some great insights on this problem. However, they never really elaborated on the long term effects nor the the potential causes and solutions. It may seem cynical, but I don't see it as that huge of a problem right now. I would say that when the come out with ways this problem can be rectified, then I will address what I can do to help fix it, but until then I only see it as another problem without a solution and therefore, not exactly worth the investment of focus. I do believe that we should try to fix it, but not so major that we need to worry about it at this point in time.

  9. I found this movie very interesting.I noticed a lot of things that is problem now.It shows what can happen and what souldn't happen to the lake.However i don't see this video in such a great problem.It is true fact that Winnipeg lake is largest lake among the north america, However i somehow see that it can be fixed in no problem.Working out on the solution and protect our earth would be good idea. we should fix it and make it no problem indeed.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I know so much information about Lake Winnipeg after watching this video and I think there is a big pollution problem about Lake Winnipeg. For instance,there is too much phosphorus and nitrogen in the Lake Winnipeg and it's bad to fish in Lake Winnipeg because fish will die without oxygen. So we should protect the enviroment and try to clean the Lake Winnipeg. We only have one Earth to live and I believe no one wants to destroy our lovely planet.

  12. Being one of the biggest lakes in Canada you don't hear many people talking about the lake dying, and nobody is helping clean it up or anything. I hope it gets cleaned up soon so it doesn't get any worse.
    - Hayden P

  13. I thought it was very surprising to find out that Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched and studied lakes, considering it is one of the largest lakes in Canada. It's really disappointing that no one is really doing anything to fix it, and that it's getting so bad to the point that people are not even able to enter the water at some times. On the plus side, people are attempting to find the main problem and then a solution to it. It may not be happening soon enough though, as the creatures of the lake are dying, and people are losing profit from the businesses that rely on this lake. Hopefully people will become more aware of this problem and help seek a solution

  14. I had no idea that this was happening in Lake Winnipeg. Something needs to be done to change what is happening. It has taken many years to get this bad, and will probably take many years until the problem is solved. This another example of how the human race is changing the Earth, and not it a good way. I hope research continues until the issues can be resolved and the water is safe for all living organisms.

    Miles Duce

  15. I thought that this video really helped the water quality issues of Lake Winnipeg be noticed by the science community. These issues that the lake is having are very serious and can impact not only the ecosystems in the lake itself, but the surrounding environment as well. More research should be done on the lake because of this, so we have a better idea of how we can prevent this from happening. All we can do now is just guess why this is occurring, but hopefully in the near future, we can fully understand how these issues came into place, and how to stop them. With more studies being done on the lake, I hope these issues can be dealt with very soon.

  16. As one of the larger lakes in Canada, I feel as if this issue should be taken more seriously (just as all environmental issues should be). The lack of major support towards this issue should be concerning enough to warrant proper action. At least some independent research is being conducted to source the main cause of the problem. Hopefully some additional awareness will arise about this detrimental issue.

    Taylor Kaye

  17. I think the video has very successfully described the worsening condition of Lake Winnipeg and serves as an eye opener. Its nice how no finger has been pointed out towards a specific organization or something. But the growing algae is still a big cause of concern as people swim or might like to swim in that water and it might lead to skin diseases. Moreover it worsens the quality of fish and affects their life. If this problem worsens instead of clearing up, it is going to be a major issue for a lot of reasons! Hopefully, more research would be conducted and the problem would be solved soon.

    Dazzy Shah

  18. In my opinion, this video obtains lots of information that’s quite astonishing about Lake Winnipeg such as how Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched and recognized lakes in the world although it is one of the biggest lakes in North America and also describes the various negative effects that Lake Winnipeg would acquire by algae. In addition with the growing algae, people would not be able to swim in the Lake anymore as it leads to the different kinds of skin disorders. Furthermore, the living creatures in the water would also be affected by the algae which might kill them and people would not be able to fish in the river. If this problem even becomes worse, it might be one of the huge issues. In conclusion, people should be able to figure the way out to prevent this problem and bring Lake Winnipeg back to its original and healthy condition.

    Carrie Kwon

  19. I got a lot of information about lake Winnipeg. I think it's really bad how the algae is growing in lake Winnipeg in higher rate. i heard that people cannot swim in the the lake. because of the algae. And it also damages quality of fish and overall biology of the lake. i think it should be fix since it affects the ecosystem.

    -Andrea Chang

  20. I thought the video provided a lot of info about Lake Winnipeg. It caught me by surprise to know that Lake Winnipeg was one of the less researched lakes in the world. This is bad news for fish and for people that like to eat fish out of Lake Winnipeg.It always seems to be getting worse every year. Hopefully they can research it more and find a solution to the problem.

  21. I found the video quite interesting, and it taught me quite a bit. I was also really surpised to learn that Lake Winnipeg was one of the least researched lakes in the whole world. I can't believe that the algae is getting so bad that people can't go in it at sometimes, which makes me think how that would suck to have a cabin near by. And all this algae also isn't good for the fish and animals in the water. I totally agree with how the blame game is a waste of time. If anything, they should focus on fixing the problem rather than arguing about it.

  22. Its interesting to see that such a large lake in North America is one of the least researched. If a lake that large "dies" from all the excess algae using the oxygen to decompose from the creatures living in the lake its going to impact our ecosystem. Not only will the algae impact or ecosystem but also all the people with cabins on Lake Winnipeg and the town of Gimli. The lake a huge attraction for people to go swimming during Manitoba summers. Without people being able to swim in the lake local businesses will lose income.

  23. The video was interesting as well as educational. I had no idea that Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched lakes in the world. It's scary to think that we know so little about something we all commonly use. I think the video gave a clear understanding of the problems, being that there is too many nutrients in the lake, causing a large growth of algae which in turn can throw off the ecosystem as it takes away great amounts of oxygen from the creatures living in the lake. Personally I don't regularly use the lake, as I find it to be dirty in many areas that I visit and the algae makes it somewhat unappealing. Glad that it's being closely researched and hope we'll have a better understanding soon!

  24. i think that this is a great video about the lake winnipeg because it shows in here what is the condition of the lake now,i mean right now the lake is doing pretty bad. if the researcher did not find the solution to fixed the problem. this is could be a problem for the people that live closed to the lake because some people use the lake for their everyday life. and that's why we should be aware about what happening to the lake.

  25. This video has inhanced my understanding about the water quality in lake winnipeg. I have been up there but the water looked a little better then what it looked like in the video. Hi from toronto cameron steadman

  26. I found this video very interesting and informative about the issue. Lake Winnipeg being one of the largest lakes in Canada and being one of the least researched, is very shocking and it seems like lots of others agree on this. The guy is right that this shouldn't be a blaming game, instead of blaming others they should all come together and solve this problem. I personally was all ready aware of this situation but this video gave me a whole new look on the problem and how we can come together and fix it.

  27. I found this video to be very informative as I was not aware of these issues. I find it concerning that such a popular lake is the least researched lake in the world. As the water quality dwindles it will greatly impact the ecosystems found in the lake should we decide to ignore the problem. People living in Winnipeg, especially those with cabins by the lake, should be made more aware of the excessive amounts of nutrients leading to the growth of algae and decreasing oxygen. Soon, it will not only effect the ecosystems present in the lake but it will directly effect us. Should the problem worsen, the lake may be closed off to our recreational uses causing complaints from cabin owners and loss of income to business that rely on the people using the lake. As the Dr. had said, blaming people for the problem will not get us anywhere rather, we should be working to fix it by better supporting the organizations that analyze the water quality and the behavior of the Netley-Libau Marsh.

  28. I found the video, like many of my other classmates, quite informative and interesting, and it raised some good points about the development and destruction of ecosystems in our lake. However having lived in the Interlake region of Manitoba for several years, I was not surprised by the seemingly shocking facts of high algae levels. I would like to note, that I agree with Dr. Christopherson when he said that the blame game is pointless. I think that if we really looked at the issues, we'd find that everyone and everything that has come into contact with the lake has affected it. It's not for anyone to say who the real culprit is, but the plain fact of the matter is that there's algae in the lake, and it should be cleaned up, but how long would that really fix the problem? I think a large part of the issue is the environment. That's all for me.


  29. I think this video is really interesting and gives a lot of information that we don't usually think or know about Lake Winnipeg. I think the problem of the increase of algae in the lake is a really serious issue to our health and especially to the people that lives near Lake Winnipeg and the living things that are in the lake (fishes that we consume). Its really shocking to find out that Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched and recognized lakes in the world although it is one of the biggest lakes in North America. I think people should watch this video and to learn about the condition the lake is to prevent them getting in the lake and harm their health. I also hope that we will find a solution soon and allow us to enjoy the lake at its healthy condition once again.

  30. I have been aware of the algae problem and the unhealthy state of Lake Winnipeg for quite some time but I had no idea the true magnitude of the issue. It's fascinating that an overpopulation of any species in an ecosystem can throw the entire system off balance. After watching the video it's clear that one of the biggest contributors to the algae problem is human activity such as the usage of phosphorus and nitrogen in fertilisers. Lake Winnipeg is an important multipurpose/commercial body of water and it's imperative that we take action to prevent further damage to the lake so we can continue its use. The research being conducted although helpful is not a permanent solution, definitive results need to be reached if we hope to sustain the lake and it's resources.
    -Maslen Johnston

  31. I think that more time and effort needs to go into fixing the problem with the lake. If they don't even know for sure what is causing the problem then that should speak for itself. I have a cabin near Lake Winnipeg and it would suck to have to find somewhere else to go in the summer. This problem won't fix itself so I think that the government needs to help more with the research instead of just hoping other people fix it for them.

    Dylan King

  32. if the problem is whats going into the lake causing rapid groth in the alge why doesnt the water treatment plant clean that out before it gets there? it shouldnt have been left unsupervised for so long monitoring the alge groth would have helped out a lot sooner.

  33. I think they don't have enough financing.
    I'm sure that there are ways of regulating and decreasing phosphorus and nitrogen levels, and if they had enough financing they would have utilized these options. The government of Manitoba needs to get involved in this issue in my opinion.
    -Miriam Mazor

  34. My grandparents owns a house right along the lake and in the summer it is one of my favorite places to go. Although the biggest buzzkill is when we cant use the lake to our advantage because of algae polution in the water. This video was very informative about the chemicals and damages continuing to grow in the lake.I think we definitly need to dig deeper and find out more as a society to prevent these types of plant life from growing in our lakes and stopping it before its starts to affect the other eco systems in Manitoba.
    Amelia Duncan

  35. this issue affects alot of people with jobs and it also affects the fish. its a good thing that they are working on something to fix the problem before it gets worse.
    -Brett smith

  36. It's surprising to find out that Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched and studied lakes, considering it is one of the largest lakes in Canada. It's disappointing that no one is really doing anything to fix it, and that it's getting so bad to the point that people can't even enter the water some times. Hopefully people will become more aware of this problem and help seek a solution.
    -Katherine Gursky

  37. I think this video was very informative as I had no idea this was an issue in Lake Winnipeg. Something needs to be done to fix this problem before it gets worse. I'm shocked to hear such a popular lake is one of the least researched in the world. I agree with the dr. when he said that we need to stop playing the blame game and start coming up with solutions. People in Winnipeg, especially those with cabins by the lake, should be concerned as this is a health issue.
    -Alana Moffat

  38. I was shocked to learn about the problems in lake winnipeg and the lack oof work being done to make a difference, and the lack of research done prior that could have prevented some of these problems.

  39. I found this video very informative. I thought it was interesting that algae is formed by excess amounts of fertilizer that is deposited in the lake. Due to the decomposition proses of algae, there is less oxygen for the animals of the lake, causing them to die. I think that it is horrible that the marine life is being punished for our mistakes and I think its helpful that regulations have been put in place to prevent overland flooding.
    Breanne Baydock

  40. To me, this video was very fascinating. I own a cabin off of Winnipeg beach and we are always aware of all the algae and it really sucks when no one can go swimming. I did not know that Lake Winnipeg is one of the least researched and studied lakes. I assumed many people would be informed just because it's so popular and one of the largest lakes in Canada. After watching this video i believe more and more people should be informed about whats going on. Get involved and fix this problem before it gets worse. This is a huge health concern to us. People living on the lake and the fish living in the lake will be effected.
    Danielle Robak

  41. I thing Lake Winnipeg being one of the largest lakes in Canada and being one of the least researched is very shocking and it seems like lots of others agree on this. It always seems to be getting worse every year. Hopefully they can research it more and find a solution to the problem.

  42. very informative, I knew about all of the algae going to lake winnipeg alot myself.. but I wasn't aware that it is the least researched lake and that's scary as it is tremendously popular.. people should watch this video and we should watch this and realize that what we're doing is a reason we can't swim we should find a solution and take the neccassary steps to fix it


  43. I had previously heard about how bad the environmental issues had become lately on lake winnipeg, and i find it surprising that although it is the most popular lake in Manitoba, little research is being done on it. I completely agree when they say that you cant be blaming people, whats done is done now and people need to realize that at this point we just need to figure out a solution. I think due to the fact that its a large lake and people don't always necessarily see the algae, they don't see a problem

    -Ian Preston

  44. this issue affects alot of people with jobs and it also affects the fish. its a good thing that they are working on something to fix the problem before it gets worse.
    -Brett S
